Flowers are a wonderful addition to your house or room. It can add color, fill the place with its fresh scent, and can really make the room feel more cozy. But if you want to increase their lifespan, there are a few things you can do that will improve how long your flowers stay fresh.

If you want your flowers to stay fresh for a longer period of time, there are a few tips you can follow. One way is to store them in a refrigerator and avoid exposure to heat. Another way is to put them in a Vodka and Soda solution. While it won’t keep your flowers as fresh as if they were sitting out in the sunlight, it will help them last longer.


Vodka makes flowers last longer by inhibiting the production of ethylene, which is responsible for flower wilting. Also, alcohol is an antibacterial agent, so it slows down the growth of bacteria on stems and flowers. This prevents them from discoloring and wilting.

Adding a little vodka to water will help keep your flowers looking their best for longer. It also helps keep them hydrated and prevents bacteria from growing. To get the best results, you should use vodka that’s 80 proof or higher.


One way to prolong the life of fresh flowers is by using soda as a flower food. Soda contains sugar, which will keep your flowers fresh longer. It should be mixed with water in a ratio of one part clear soda to three parts water. This formula is particularly good for fresh-cut flowers.

You can buy flower food packets, which contain this mixture. You can also prepare your own by mixing water with soda in a three to one ratio. Make sure to add bleach to kill bacteria.


Putting flowers in the refrigerator can be a good way to extend their life. But it is important to keep these flowers from turning brown or becoming slimy. To prevent this, it is recommended to change the water every other day. This helps prevent the growth of bacteria and ensures the flowers receive the proper nutrients they need to stay beautiful and fragrant. Changing the water is also an important step if you’re using fresh cut flowers.

Flowers can last longer in the refrigerator if they are kept away from fruit. Fruits release gasses and can cause flowers to wilt quickly. Therefore, it is best to keep them away from fruit.

Avoiding heat

One of the best ways to make your flowers last longer is to avoid heat. Flowers do better in cool temperatures, so keep them away from drafts and heat sources. They can also be kept away from fresh fruit, which releases tiny amounts of gas that can dehydrate them. For optimal flower care, avoid placing them near the ceiling fan or near windows that get direct sunlight.

If you’re planning to keep flowers in a warm area, it’s best to monitor the water level on a daily basis. You can also trim back the stems every two days. If you notice your flowers wilting or withering, they might be suffering from heat stress. Symptoms include brown spots on the petals or leaves, and dropped buds. Regular watering will prevent your flowers from becoming stressed and degenerated. Water them in the morning and evening, and don’t forget to remove dead leaves!

Avoiding direct sunlight

One way to make flowers last longer is to display them in a cool room. Flowers dehydrate quickly when they are exposed to direct sunlight. Avoid displaying them near hot appliances such as air conditioners, heating vents, or ceiling fans. Also, avoid displaying them near fresh fruit. Fresh fruit releases gas called ethylene, which can reduce the lifespan of fresh flower arrangements.

Avoid placing your cut flowers in direct sunlight, too. The heat of the sun will cause the flower to shrivel and wilt, so if possible, keep your flowers away from the sun for at least a few hours each day. But it is not necessary to keep your cut flowers hidden away from direct sunlight entirely. For instance, a kitchen counter or dining room can provide an ideal environment.

Avoiding fruit

If you want to extend the life of your flower arrangements, avoid placing them near fresh fruit. Fruits release a hormone called Ethylene, which can cause your flower arrangements to age faster. This chemical can cause your flowers to drop their petals and fall to the ground. Thankfully, there are a few simple ways to keep your flowers looking their best longer.

How to Make Flowers Last Longer Result

Enjoy your flowers for a longer period of time by simply storing them in a cool, dark place. Another way is to add three teaspoons of vodka and one teaspoon of soda per liter of water to the vase and changing the water every couple weeks.